lördag 30 april 2011
Ann Härdin och IPO2 Trönderjyckens Enzo !
I dag har Ann och Enzo varit och tävlat IPO2 (DM i Sörmland) och kan numera titulera sig som IPO2 och Distriktsmästare i IPO2 =)
Duktiga duktiga ni!!
Vi är så stolta över er!!
onsdag 27 april 2011
Ringträning inför utställning
I dag är det näst sista ringträningen innan utställningen i Enköping den 7 maj.
Vägbeskrivning finns på www.ogenkoping.se
Start klockan 18.00
Kan ni inte komma i dag så är det samma tid nästa onsdag!
Kostnad 20:-/hund
Inga förkunskaper krävs =)
Vägbeskrivning finns på www.ogenkoping.se
Start klockan 18.00
Kan ni inte komma i dag så är det samma tid nästa onsdag!
Kostnad 20:-/hund
Inga förkunskaper krävs =)
söndag 24 april 2011
L-kullen 1 vecka!
fredag 22 april 2011
torsdag 21 april 2011
onsdag 20 april 2011
Nordiska panelen
När vi röntgade alla hundar i J-kullen såg alla hundar ut att vara fria fram och bak. När sedan svaren kom var alla fria utom vår Juvel, hon fick C. Om man vill röntga om sin hund för avläsning så måste man vänta 6 månader. Det tänkte vi inte göra eftersom vi inte ansåg att det var fel på Juvels höftleder.
Så vi betalade in 700:- till SKK tillsammans med en överklagan om resultatet och en bägran om att plåten skulle läsas av Nordiska panelen. Nu har bilden skickats runt till alla nordiska länder och deras utlåtande om Juvels höfter är att hon har B. Så SKK får backa och numera är även Juvel friröntgad.
Hasse & Juvel på MH tillsammans med Lamminen
Så vi betalade in 700:- till SKK tillsammans med en överklagan om resultatet och en bägran om att plåten skulle läsas av Nordiska panelen. Nu har bilden skickats runt till alla nordiska länder och deras utlåtande om Juvels höfter är att hon har B. Så SKK får backa och numera är även Juvel friröntgad.
Hasse & Juvel på MH tillsammans med Lamminen
måndag 18 april 2011
Ja, nu är äntligen våra Quennvalpar här! Denna gång blev det 3 tikar och 2 hanar som lever, tyvärr var den sista valpen, en tik, död.
Nu får vi hålla tummarna för att alla överlever. De är pigga och äter alla 5 men man vet aldrig vad som kan hända.
natti natti
Nu får vi hålla tummarna för att alla överlever. De är pigga och äter alla 5 men man vet aldrig vad som kan hända.
natti natti
söndag 17 april 2011
MH för 8 av 9 i J-kullen
lördag 16 april 2011
fredag 15 april 2011
torsdag 14 april 2011
I väntans tider...
måndag 11 april 2011
Världens bästa Olle !
I dag har vi tagit det tunga beslutat att låta Mischaland's O'lars "Olle" somna in och bli en ängel.
Det är så tungt så tungt och tårarna slutar inte rinna.
Men vi får vara tacksamma över att få ha honom i 9 år, och vi är väldigt tacksamma för att Örjan och Mimmi tog hand om på absolut bästa sätt hans sista år!!
Tack Olle för allt du gav oss!!
Det är så tungt så tungt och tårarna slutar inte rinna.
Men vi får vara tacksamma över att få ha honom i 9 år, och vi är väldigt tacksamma för att Örjan och Mimmi tog hand om på absolut bästa sätt hans sista år!!
Tack Olle för allt du gav oss!!
Ringträning/utställningsträning i Enköping!
lördag 2 april 2011
Kritik skrivet av G Gray, domaren på Crufts
25/03/2011 10:34:44 at 14.34
German Shepherd Dogs
It was a great honour to be able to judge our breed at what is the greatest dog show in the world, I came hoping to see an improvement in the breed & was not disappointed. On the whole the quality was good, although of very mixed type, with few dogs from the extremes. Soundness has improved with only four dogs being totally unsound, there were some that needed to firm a little behind but that was down to exercise. Temperaments were good with only one exception. I was surprised at the condition of a few exhibits that had dirty teeth, coats & lacked general muscletone. Handling has improved in many areas with many dogs being allowed to gait freely & without exaggeration. My principal winners were of excellent type & quality, making for some very close decisions. I would like to thank all exhibitors for the sporting way in which my choices were received & making this day a memorable one.
Tronderjyckens Imre, over medium size, strong male of excellent quality & type, good proportions height to length, full dentition, good head & expression, good eye, correct ear placement, strong neck of good length into well laid shoulders & correct upper arm, good length of foreleg, strong pasterns & good feet, slightly narrower in front than desired, correct hindquarters with good width of thigh & strong hocks, good height at wither, strong topline into short but well moulded croup & tailset, correct depth of brisket & good underline, sound both ways with excellent side gait showing good reach & drive, holding topline on the move, in excellent coat & condition & well handled. A very animated dog who stood out in this class, a pleasure to award him RCC
Intuch Mischaland’s Solo, b/g, top size, strong male of excellent quality & type, correct proportions height to length, full dentition, good head & masculine expression, nice dark eye, correct ear placement, ears tipping back at point, strong neck of good length into well laid shoulders & correct upper arm angle but slightly short, good length of foreleg, strong pasterns & nice tight feet, correct hindquarters with good width of thigh & strong hocks, good height at wither, strong topline into long but well moulded croup & tailset, correct depth of brisket & good underline, sound both ways with excellent powerful side gait showing good reach & drive. Tended to lift in forehand, held topline on the move. This dog needed a bigger ring to show in. In excellent coat & condition, well handled
Tronderjyckens Harley, b/g, medium size, medium strong female of good quality & type, correct proportions height to length, full dentition, correct head & feminine expression, nice dark eye, correct ear placement, strong neck of good length into well laid shoulders & well angled upper arm of good length, correct length of foreleg. Slightly weak pasterns & feet could be tighter. Correct hindquarters with good width of thigh & strong hocks, good height at wither, firm topline into correct well moulded croup & tailset, correct depth of brisket & good underline, sound both ways with good side gait showing fair reach & good drive, firm topline on the move, in good coat & condition, well handled
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25/03/2011 10:34:44 at 14.34
German Shepherd Dogs
It was a great honour to be able to judge our breed at what is the greatest dog show in the world, I came hoping to see an improvement in the breed & was not disappointed. On the whole the quality was good, although of very mixed type, with few dogs from the extremes. Soundness has improved with only four dogs being totally unsound, there were some that needed to firm a little behind but that was down to exercise. Temperaments were good with only one exception. I was surprised at the condition of a few exhibits that had dirty teeth, coats & lacked general muscletone. Handling has improved in many areas with many dogs being allowed to gait freely & without exaggeration. My principal winners were of excellent type & quality, making for some very close decisions. I would like to thank all exhibitors for the sporting way in which my choices were received & making this day a memorable one.
Tronderjyckens Imre, over medium size, strong male of excellent quality & type, good proportions height to length, full dentition, good head & expression, good eye, correct ear placement, strong neck of good length into well laid shoulders & correct upper arm, good length of foreleg, strong pasterns & good feet, slightly narrower in front than desired, correct hindquarters with good width of thigh & strong hocks, good height at wither, strong topline into short but well moulded croup & tailset, correct depth of brisket & good underline, sound both ways with excellent side gait showing good reach & drive, holding topline on the move, in excellent coat & condition & well handled. A very animated dog who stood out in this class, a pleasure to award him RCC
Intuch Mischaland’s Solo, b/g, top size, strong male of excellent quality & type, correct proportions height to length, full dentition, good head & masculine expression, nice dark eye, correct ear placement, ears tipping back at point, strong neck of good length into well laid shoulders & correct upper arm angle but slightly short, good length of foreleg, strong pasterns & nice tight feet, correct hindquarters with good width of thigh & strong hocks, good height at wither, strong topline into long but well moulded croup & tailset, correct depth of brisket & good underline, sound both ways with excellent powerful side gait showing good reach & drive. Tended to lift in forehand, held topline on the move. This dog needed a bigger ring to show in. In excellent coat & condition, well handled
Tronderjyckens Harley, b/g, medium size, medium strong female of good quality & type, correct proportions height to length, full dentition, correct head & feminine expression, nice dark eye, correct ear placement, strong neck of good length into well laid shoulders & well angled upper arm of good length, correct length of foreleg. Slightly weak pasterns & feet could be tighter. Correct hindquarters with good width of thigh & strong hocks, good height at wither, firm topline into correct well moulded croup & tailset, correct depth of brisket & good underline, sound both ways with good side gait showing fair reach & good drive, firm topline on the move, in good coat & condition, well handled
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